ELITE Player Card


An ELITE Player Card is an “NFT Factory'' asset that is the ultimate key for players to unlock unlimited Colizeum gaming experience, mint an unlimited amount of Gladiators Player Cards and receives - Up To 25% of their revenue in CGOL.

ELITE NFTs are the most exclusive asset in Colizeum. Each with a unique look and traits.

ELITE's acts as a "Native asset factory" capable of minting and distributing new NFTs and Colizeum Gold (CGOL) tokens.

To ensure ELITE is in the hands of Colizeum members revealing the Elite card will require a 2500 $ZEUM token fee that goes to the community treasury.

5000 ELITE's collectively own the Colizeum economy and are responsible for every player - "GLADIATOR" NFT (Player Card) that will ever exist in the Colizeum ecosystem...

Whenever ELITE mints a new Gladiator NFT, it will create a permanent bond, a link between ELITE and Gladiator which will reward ELITE holders whenever its Gladiator contributes to the economy.

This bond is an incentive system to ensure. ELITE's choose only the most active and reliable members as Gladiator holders.

Each ELITE acts as a guild by helping and guiding Gladiators, and in return, they receive a portion of riches created by their Gladiators.

ELITE is ownership.

ELITE's are the future of the Colizeum.


ELITE (NFT) Player Card will be mintable free and available only for whitelisted members; after the minting, everyone will be able to acquire ELITE from the secondary markets:

  1. OpenSea

  2. More to come...

Be among the 5000 ELITE exclusive Player Card owners by getting into the whitelisted ELITE Club.

Last updated